
Technopark Application

Technopark Application

Entrepreneurs/companies who want to take place in Antalya OSB Technology Development Zone in order to benefit from the support and exemptions provided by the Technology Development Zones Law No. 4691 apply to Antalya OSB TGB Operation A.Ş. for information. 

In accordance with the Technology Development Zones Law No. 4691, applications are accepted on a project basis. 

Applications will be made through the "Portal" link on the "Antalya OSB Technopark" web page. In addition, the application form is signed and stamped in writing, Antalya OSB Teknopark A.Ş. It will be hand-delivered to the Head Office. 

All of the project applications will be submitted to the approval of the Project Evaluation Arbitration Committee in accordance with the Technology Development Zones Law No. 4691 and Article 14/g of the Implementation Regulation. Applications that receive a passing grade or higher from the commission are submitted to the approval of the Board of Directors. For applicants who have successfully completed all the evaluations, the space allocation processes begin in Antalya OSB Technopark. 

Organizations that want to take place in Antalya OSB Technopark must actually be doing or have the capacity to do R&D, design and software development activities in order to be accepted. 

Direct acceptance process can be applied to publicly supported projects accepted by refereed juries such as TÜBİTAK, KOSGEB, Ministry of Industry Techno-Venture Capital Support, SANTEZ and the European Union. Project applications for which the project acceptance letter and support contract have been signed and the support period has not expired, can also be made from the "Portal" area of ​​the "Antalya OSB Technopark" web page. In the annex of the application, publicly supported project acceptance letters and signed contract annexes will be submitted and written copies of which all pages are signed and stamped by the Company representative will be hand-delivered to Antalya OSB Technopark as 1 (one) set within a set of files. "Project Evaluation Fee" is not charged for such project applications. 

Application forms and their annexes will be hand-delivered by the company representative, and opinions will be exchanged to evaluate whether the project is within the scope of the purpose, scope and law no 4691. It is sent for evaluation to the Project Evaluation Commission of three people, two academicians specialized in the project and a sector expert who is not related to the project. Commission members submit their opinions in writing to Antalya OSB Technopark on whether the project/projects within the scope of the application are within the scope of Law No. 4691. Projects with positive/negative opinions are submitted to the approval of the Board of Directors. If the application is accepted, a place is allocated according to the office situation.

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AOSB 3. Kısım Mah. 40. Cad. Antalya OSB Teknopark Hizmet Binası No:4 Kat:3/310 Döşemealtı- ANTALYA


+90 242 504 60 60


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